CBD vs. THC: What to choose depending on your needs | Local news

CBD derived from marijuana also isn’t considered psychoactive, but because it contains higher traces of THC than .3%, is subject to the same prohibitions as THC-heavy cannabis products and can be acquired only at state-sanctioned dispensaries. And according to Dr. Lynn Parodneck, a medical marijuana consultant with TribeTokes, people should be skeptical of purported CBD products found at the gas station or salon. “A lot of these products out there don’t even have CBD in them.” Since dispensaries must legally test their products, she recommends finding your CBD products there. “At least there you can have some peace of mind about what…

CBD vs. THC: What to choose depending on your needs | Local news Topshelf News.

source https://topshelf.news/cbd-vs-thc-what-to-choose-depending-on-your-needs-local-news/
