Opinion | The Sweet Smell of Government Overreach

Without debate, tobacco reduces lifespans and sabotages the otherwise healthy with debilitating illnesses. It’s a cancer-causing, heart-stopping, stroke-inducing, lung-sapping, stinky scourge. But does tobacco’s rap sheet make the proposed menthol ban just? The ACLU and other justice groups, drug policy shops and law enforcement question the wisdom of a ban that will come down hardest on Black and Brown communities. Aamra Ahmad, the ACLU’s senior legislative counsel, fears the ban will create a demand for an underground supply of mentholated smokes, and this underground will give police the pretext to conduct overreaching criminal investigations involving Black people and others based…

Opinion | The Sweet Smell of Government Overreach Topshelf News.

source https://topshelf.news/opinion-the-sweet-smell-of-government-overreach/
