Marijuana Legalization Is Retiring Police Dogs. Why That’s Good—And Why All Drug K9 Units Should Go.

Won’t somebody please think of the police dogs? On Saturday, the Associated Press ran the latest example of a genre of news story that’s become a regular accompaniment to marijuana legalization: the fate of now-superfluous drug-sniffing dogs. Drug-sniffing dogs are notoriously unreliable at detecting drugs, and yet many American police … [+] departments still insist on using K9 units. Donat Sorokin/TASS Virginia is set to legalize the possession of up to an ounce of cannabis beginning in July. That means the “early retirement” of at least 15 drug-sniffing dogs throughout the state, as the AP item—picked up by outlets across…

Marijuana Legalization Is Retiring Police Dogs. Why That’s Good—And Why All Drug K9 Units Should Go. Topshelf News.

