Tipperary farmers urged to look at kale as alternative winter feed

With livestock grazing in paddocks and farmers attention on silage and straw, winter 2021 is a distant thought. However, farmers need to think ahead for their Winter feed. If they plan on feeding an alternative, like Kale, now is the time to sow. Farmers might choose to feed their livestock kale for a number of different reasons. Many farmers use it to bolster their feed supply as kale also has an energy value the same as spring grass. It is also considered a high-quality feed due to its good leaf to stem ratio. It has an estimated of 16-18% crude…

Tipperary farmers urged to look at kale as alternative winter feed Topshelf News.

source https://topshelf.news/tipperary-farmers-urged-to-look-at-kale-as-alternative-winter-feed/
