Psilocybin May Be the Key to Resolving the Global Obesity Ep…
(MENAFN – Psilocybin May Be the Key to Resolving the Global Obesity Epidemic The global obesity issue is bursting at the seams. According to the World Health Organization, obesity has tripled since 1975. More than 1.9 billion adults were overweight, as of 2016, with more than 650 million considered obese. Plus, more than 340 million children were considered overweight in 2016, as well. It’s an issue that’s been plaguing society for quite some time. Fortunately, some believe psilocybin may be the key to resolving the obesity epidemic, which could fuel upside for companies such as NeonMind Biosciences (…
Psilocybin May Be the Key to Resolving the Global Obesity Ep… Topshelf News.
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