Survey Results: CBD Use In Autistic Children

A recent survey suggests 18.6% of caregivers looking after an autistic child are administering cannabidiol (CBD). Autism Parenting Magazine’s survey sent out to more than 160,000 email subscribers around the world indicates 22.16% of USA-based caregivers administer cannabidiol, while among UK caregivers use was 14.29%. For other countries (categorised as “rest of the world”), the figure was 15.45%. As for the primary reasons for administering CBD: 42.9%: anxiety relief 36.9%: addressing challenging behavior 5.1%: pain relief and inflammation 8.1%: sleep and relaxation 4.3%: seizures The primary methods of CBD administration were oils in the form of oral drops and topical…

Survey Results: CBD Use In Autistic Children Topshelf News.

