What would the public health and safety impacts of cannabis legalization be in Ohio?

Last Monday, a panel of state officials approved ballot language for recreational cannabis legalization in the state of Ohio, clearing the way for backers to begin collecting signatures for the initiative. According to reports, the ballot language for this initiative is similar to a bill introduced by state Reps. Casey Weinstein and Terrence Upchurch to legalize recreational cannabis in the state. I have written previously about the most obvious impact of cannabis legalization in Ohio: hundreds of millions of dollars in new revenue. But tax revenue isn’t the only likely impact of recreational cannabis legalization. First, many hope that legalization…

What would the public health and safety impacts of cannabis legalization be in Ohio? Topshelf News.

source https://topshelf.news/what-would-the-public-health-and-safety-impacts-of-cannabis-legalization-be-in-ohio/
